Thursday, October 15, 2015

Death Skulls Army part 1

It turns out that the one thing I have in abundance when it comes to oldhammer miniatures is space orks. I have a ton of 2nd ed. space orks so I put together a 2000pt. list of Death Skulls since they are my favorite tribe and because I have about 40 heavy weapon orks. Unfortunately I really wanted to include a Mad Mob, but I only have one Madboy. Here is the first nob I've painted for the army so far. I'm having to strip all the ork models so it is taking some time. I also have a Weirdboy that I painted up earlier that I will include in the army, but I haven't done his base yet. I don't know if its just my mood today or if I've just been looking at it too long, but I don't like the pictures I keep taking of this ork. I decided to go with a very realistic, weathered look to the army. I'm not really a big fan of electric blue Death Skulls, except maybe their tattoos, so I decided to go with a sun bleached blue. Unfortunately this model only has a little flesh showing so I wasn't really able to add any tattoos or colorful skin tones so I just went with a normal green. I decided to go a different direction with the glowing eye and made it yellow light instead of red.


  1. Not painted red ;) ?

    This guy is always painted red so nice to see a more natural (if space suits are natural) look to him. Looks great and counts for Orc(k)tober if you want it to.

    1. Lol. I find I can be a bit of a nonconformist when it comes to color selection. Yeah, totally Orktober. I'll be posting more as I paint them. In the coming days, since I've run out of fantasy chaos models and I'm waiting on arms for my hybrids.

  2. He came out absolutely fantastic!

    Lovely colour choice, well done.

    1. Thank you. Hopefully the Warboss's Retinue will turn out pretty cool.

  3. I think this is one of my favourites that you've painted so far, he really is great. Top job on the colour choices and weathering.

    1. Thank you. There'll be plenty more where he came from.

  4. I really like your leap of faith and not reaching for a pot of red paint.

    It REALLY does the figure (which has always been a favourate of mine) justice!

    1. Thank you. I felt he needed a new look. I'm use to seeing him in yellow myself. I'll be painting a few more of the power armour nobs to include in his retinue, which will be used for a Freebooterz army.

  5. Good stuff Urion. I think I saw him posted on the facebook. Although I have seen the picture of him in red, I didn't realize it was so different to not paint him that.

    1. Thank you. Yeah, I post pictures on facebook as well as here, though usually I post more angles here. One of these days I'm going to take a model with armor that is usually painted red and paint it candy apple red like a hotrod. Just to see what people think. lol
