Thursday, September 24, 2015

Nurgle Oldhammer Warband part 13

I'm painting up some plaguebearers for my warband/army just in case I roll them as rewards for my champion or on the Creatures of Chaos chart. Introducing Plaguescum the Plaguebearer. I'm still working on his skin and I haven't started on his base yet. Very much still a work in progress. I've always thought his face looks like an orc's. I decided to paint it with a bit of pink to help it stand out.


  1. I like that very much. Are you using oils?

    1. Actually I just used acrylic washes on this one. I may use oil on the next one. I find that oils leave less color behind so when I do an entire model in washes its a lot easier to do it with acrylic washes.

  2. Very cool! I'm really enjoying that I stumbled upon your blog. I'm going to sit down and give all the fluff a good read tonight. Loved the font so much, I had to switch mine as well. ;)

    1. I am glad to hear it. I hope you like the Warband story. It will be an ongoing series telling the tale of the champion of my warband. Glad you like the font too. I think it goes well with Oldhammer.
